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Proof of the Intellect: Faust and Mephistophel

On one hand, the compositions of Faust and Mephistophel are efforts to find intellect.
On the other hand, they are the real proofs.
Mephistophel appeared in the life of Faust, desiring to look into the secrets of the human reason.
Dragging him from the insularity of his office and dipping into the living reality of various epochs, it did not turn out to be complicated to explain the unfading general values of civilization.
We are all intelligent. However, it is here that creeps in a suspicion: where is the real intellect, and where is it not?
One can learn a lot without graduating from a university, and even become a PhD or academic, etc. And this serves as witness to the benefits of fortifying one's opinion of strong intellect. However, this may be shown to be only an opinion. And the sum of an individual's diligence can be shown to be merely a castle of sand, as sad as it may be. If the terms "real man or false man" exist, then one may presume that this can be said of the intellect, i.e. real intellect or false. A real man puts himself to the test in his work, and thus works toward a healthy understanding of life.
Thus, a true intellect can put itself to the test in terms of its creations. Within each and every one of us, a strong respect for the work and creations of people exists, be it that of construction workers, sculptors, inventors, or janitors. The creation of real beauty or comfort has always been highly esteemed. It is correct to admire such creators.
The others, unfortunately, do not possess a clear boundary between work and idleness, and therefore, between intellect and stupidity.

© Alexander Deviatkin
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